Monday, April 17, 2006

Wow. I've never had the pre-destination argument in person. I've only ever argued it online. Until now. Dr. Kleven is a bit too clever for me, but Robert was going for the Open Theism argument. That one's *old*. Fortunately, I had good Reformed friends to help me argue my case.

We may have gotten off the topic, which was, orginally, Mere Christianity, but it was a good experience and it's delightful to see some young apologists honing their skills, as I try to do.

C.S. Lewis was marvelous. If he was RC they would have sainted him by now, or started to. ( that 'canonized'? I'm pretty sure the RCs don't use 'sainted')

We ate cookies, too. And I know who the smartest people in that class are: Chris and Josh; they know when to quit talking, and don't have to join every little argument, when we start going off on bunny trails.

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